What are your obligations as an employer in relation to Occupational health & safety?

The PCBU has a primary duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the health and safety of their workers is not put at risk from the conduct of the business or undertaking.

This duty also applies to others in their workplace, like clients, visitors, customers and volunteers.


Ensure you have:

  • a safe work environment
  • policies and procedures and safe work practices in place
  • a work environment and work culture free of discrimination, harassment and bullying
  • adequate facilities and training to support the welfare of workers
  • safe plant and structures.

Provide all workers with:

  • an induction into the business
  • sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure that they are competent to work safely
    • do not give workers tasks unless they have the necessary skills
  • any necessary personal protective equipment
  • current health and safety policies and procedures; taking new workers through your procedures is a great way to convey safety standards and expectations

If you have a new worker:

  • give them your time
  • encourage them to ask questions
  • make sure they are comfortable using any plant and equipment safely.

A PCBU cannot transfer their duty of care or responsibilities to another party.

Further information on an employers responsibilities for specific topics are available throughout the pages of this website.


ReturnToWorkSA provides insurance that protects businesses which employ workers in South Australia from the costs of a work injury.

Further information

The following material has been adapted from WorkCover Duty of Care information.

Your duty of care is your legal duty to take reasonable care so that others aren’t harmed. If you identify a reasonably likely risk of harm, you must take reasonable care in response. It is a concept common to all modern occupational health and safety (OHS) / workplace health and safety (WHS) regimes.

  • There is a general duty of care on employers of the workplace to ensure the health, safety and welfare at work of all employees and others who come on to the workplace.
  • It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure that all reasonably practicable measures have been taken to control risks against all possible injuries arising from the workplace.
  • The employer’s duty of care applies to all people in the workplace, including visitors, contractors etc.
  • There is a general obligation on designers, manufacturers and suppliers of plant and substances for use by people at work to ensure that their products are not a risk to health and safety when properly used, and to provide information on the correct use and potential hazards associated with the use of the products in the workplace.
  • There is a general obligation on employees to take care of others and cooperate with employers in matters of health and safety. An employee must also co-operate with the employer or other person so far as is necessary to enable compliance with the relevant OHS/WHS Act/Regulation.

As employers are in control of the workplace and workplaces can have significant risks to health and safety, employers are required to organise their workplace and their work systems to ensure people at work are not put in harm’s way.

Occupational Health and Safety, or OHS/WHS, is an essential component of the management system in any workplace. Not only is it required by law, it is simply the “right” thing to do to protect the health and safety of people working for you. Based originally on common law “duty of care”, and now enshrined in statutory legislation and numerous regulations, it is a legal obligation for employers to provide a healthy and safe work environment.

Australian state and territory OHS/WHS Acts set out the requirements for creating a safe and healthy working environment while OHS/WHS regulations explain the duties of particular groups of people in controlling the risks associated with specific hazards. Both Acts and regulations are legally enforceable. Codes of Practice provide advice on how to meet regulatory requirements and as such, are not legally enforceable, but they can be used in courts as evidence that legal requirements have or have not been met.

State and territory OHS/WHS regulations under the relevant OHS/WHS Acts generally impose duty of care obligations on an employer to:

  • Identify foreseeable hazards that may arise in the workplace
  • Assess the risks of those hazards
  • Eliminate the risks or, if not reasonably practicable to do so, to control the risks
  • Monitor and review risk assessments and control measures
  • Obtain sufficient information to fulfil legislative requirements
  • Provide OHS/WHS information, instruction & training to employees
  • Provide supervision
  • Provide for emergencies
  • Provide and maintain amenities
  • Provide first aid facilities and personnel
  • Consult with employees to enable them to contribute to the making of decisions affecting their health, safety and welfare at work.

State and territory OHS/WHS Acts, Regulations and Codes of Practice can be accessed through Safe Work Australia.

Diving is universally recognised as a high hazard and high risk activity – inherently dangerous, and with a disproportionate number of fatalities per person employed compared to the general workplace. However, with the implementation of well developed systems of work, procedures and practices, Australian construction diving is one of the safest in the world.

In the occupational diving industry it is the employer’s responsibility to ensure the employee (diver or supervisor):

  • Holds a valid certificate of medical fitness to dive (not required by dive supervisors).
  • Holds an approved qualification i.e. ADAS certification or other approved qualification. An employer should sight the original certificate to eliminate forgery through photocopies.
  • Is competent to safely undertake the proposed work.
  • Are provided with supervision by a competent person (applicable to divers only).

An ADAS certification is an approved diving or supervision qualification in accordance with the competencies contained in Australian Standards 2815, ensuring a diver or supervisor is competent and safe to work at the time the qualification is awarded. The rigorous quality-controlled nature of ADAS certification offers a high degree of certainty as to a diver or supervisor’s competency and helps employers meet their legislated and common law duty-of-care requirements.

Regulatory authorities are given significant powers of inspection and prosecution, and there is a potential financial impact of breaching your duty of care. If you have any queries about your duty of care requirements contact your state or territory OHS inspector.

It is your duty as an employer to provide your employees with a safe and healthy work environment.

Under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, you must assess risks and implement and review control measures to prevent or minimise exposure to the risks.

To properly manage exposure to risks, you must:

  • identify workplace hazards
  • determine who might be harmed, and how
  • decide on control measures
  • put controls in place
  • review the controls regularly.

WorkSafe Queensland provides details about risks and how to reduce them in specific industries, business types and occupations.

Read more about keeping your workplace safe.

First aid and emergency plans

As an employer, you must have an adequate number of workers (or other persons) trained in first aid and provide adequate, accessible first aid equipment and facilities.

You must also have emergency plans in place to ensure that you can deal with any emergencies that arise in your workplace. Read more about your first aid and emergency plan obligations from WorkSafe Queensland.

For more advice, read the First aid in the workplace code of practice 2021 (PDF, 491KB).

Workers' compensation insurance

Every Queensland employer must have workers' compensation insurance. Premiums paid by an employer cover the costs of benefits received by employees if they are injured or become ill because of their work. Most employers insure with WorkCover Queensland.

Learn more about workers' compensation.

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  • Last reviewed: 17 Jul 2017
  • Last updated: 12 May 2020

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