Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Vlogger und Blogger?

Nowadays, bloggers, vloggers, and influencers with varying interests and views operate in social media. Some people become renowned as a result of their art, inventiveness, or other talents, and their profession is to operate on social media. Other groups of individuals make money and sometimes a lot of money through all these social networks.

Vlogger vs Blogger

The main difference between vloggers and bloggers is that vloggers are the content creators who create videos mainly for YouTube and are considered to earn more. On the other hand, bloggers are content creators who create blog articles and tend to earn less. 

A vlogger is someone who vlogs create and publishes. The vlogs, or videos, are usually posted on digital platforms. The word vlogger is a contraction of a video blogger. Vlogging may be a terrific way to communicate with your website visitors and get new subscribers, and if you don’t like writing, it might be an alternate way to get your point out.

A blogger is someone who uses his writing skills to create articles and essays on certain topics or niches. In layman’s language, blogging is about writing articles, stories, journals, tutorials, and infotainment stuff. Blog entries are intended to give individuals with useful information in a free and easy-to-read manner. It’s the first step in earning readers’ confidence and converting them into customers in the future.

Comparison Table Between Vlogger and Blogger

Parameters of ComparisonVloggerBlogger
MeaningA person who creates content in a video format.A person who creates content in the written format.
RequirementsYouTube account and a cameraBlogging website subscription
PlatformsYouTubeWordPress, Squarespace, etc.

What is Vlogger?

Vlogging is creating videos on relevant topics such as your lifestyle, travels, and stuff you want to share with the world. Some famous vloggers are Casey Neistat, Lost LaBlanc, Fun for Louis.

A vlogger is anyone who can create a video and post it on video streaming or VODs. It is a video we recorded of ourselves in which we chat about a certain topic, such as testing different cosmetics, unboxing a new laptop we purchased, or reporting on our daily activities.

Typically, a vlogger often records the most everyday actions. In addition to vloggers who generally film their lives, some limit themselves to filming a certain type of activity.

Some vloggers vlogs every day and earn so much that they can live off the income. In addition, there is also the phenomenon of business vlogging. This is a form of marketing that uses a story in the form of video. A business vlogger is often hired, and the content of the vlog is used by the client for its marketing purposes. Vlogging has become their profession.

A YouTuber is not necessarily a vlogger, although these two terms are often confused in the media. A vlogger first records his daily life on film and then uploads it. Uploading is often done on YouTube, but not always. In addition, YouTube also offers space for other types of videos than vlogs.

What is Blogger?

A blogger is someone who creates and manages a blog and writes about the topics covered in it. Blogger refers to the person who creates material for a website or blog. Bloggers are people who like sharing their interests or experiences with others. They normally do it for pleasure, but most of them generate money by implementing the blogging rules and converting their blog into a commercial blog.

Initially, blogs were referred to as “weblogs.” They were used to let individuals write about their daily activities. Their daily activities produced material for their tiny sites, where they recorded their thoughts, tales, images, and videos. Some of these microsites grew in popularity and blogging as a pastime was established.

There is no requirement for a set location or time to blog; all you need is access to the Internet and a laptop or mobile phone. However, one should keep in mind that one must have sufficient and in-depth knowledge of the relevant topic before taking on the position of a blogger. 

Blogging has fast grown in popularity as a means of communicating and disseminating information and news. Blogs may be used for a variety of purposes, including personal, business, news, and networking. Being a blogger is analogous to being a freelance artist – whether you’re a writer, photographer, or information curator, a blog may provide a close-up view of a certain subject to a specialized audience (or subjects). 

The allure of blogging is that it can be done by anybody, from anywhere. Blogging may be done at home, at a coffee shop, or on the beach. Anyone who wants to share their thoughts with the world may do so with a few mice and keyboard clicks. Whether users want to transmit a message, offer a professional service, or just have their words published for others to read, blogs may help them achieve their goals quickly and effectively.

Main Differences Between Vlogger and Blogger

  1. A vlogger is someone who provides content in the video file, whereas a blogger creates posts in written format.
  2. Vloggers are recognized to have more influence over their audiences since vlogs are videos, which allows people to interact with them more.
  3. A vlogger’s medium is video, whereas a blogger’s medium is text, which may incorporate images and links.
  4. A vlogger needs a YouTube platform and a camera to operate their account, but a blogger requires a blogging service membership.
  5. YouTube is one of the most well-known and important platforms for vloggers, while WordPress, Wix, Weebly, Substack, Squarespace, and other platforms are popular among bloggers.


Vloggers and bloggers are two types of influencers who create content in different formats and on different platforms. In the contemporary world, they have become popular, and their career potential has improved. A vlog is a personal website or social media account where an individual regularly posts short videos. whereas a blog is a regularly updated website or web page that typically has text in an informal or conversational style.


  1. //onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/9781119429128.iegmc004

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Ein Video-Blog, auch als VLog oder V-Log (Aussprache: [vlɒɡ] oder [viːlɒɡ]) bezeichnet, ist ein Blog (Weblog – Internet-Tagebuch) in Form von Videos. Es werden durch Webvideoproduzenten hierbei periodisch neue Videos veröffentlicht, die z. B. das Leben einer Person darstellen. Die Tätigkeitsform ist – analog dem Bloggen (englisch Blogging) – Vloggen (englisch Vlogging). Eine vloggende Person ist – analog dem Blogger bzw. Weblogger – ein Vlogger.[1]

Ein Vlogging-Beispiel: Der ehemalige russische Präsident Dmitri Medwedew nach seinem Lateinamerika-Besuch im November 2008

Der Begriff „Vlog“ ist ein Kofferwort aus „Video“ und „Blog“.[2]

Seit es grafische Browser gibt, wurden auch Videos im Internet verlinkt. Nicht nur die langsame Datenübertragung verhinderte eine schnellere Verbreitung dieser technischen Anwendungsmöglichkeit von HTML. Auf ein Bild kann zwar ein Link gelegt werden, jedoch ist die Inhaltsanalyse bis heute noch ungelöst (Konvertierung von Bild zu Text als Basis weiterer Verlinkungsmöglichkeit). Ein Vlog steht gegenüber einem Blog aber bereits vor dem zusätzlichen Aufwand, dass nicht nur Filme hergestellt werden müssen, sondern diese – um sie für Hyperlinks und insbesondere für Web-Feeds zugänglich zu machen – ergänzend auch textbasiert dokumentiert werden müssen.

Steve Mann bezeichnete seine ersten Ergebnisse in diesem Umfeld als glogs (cyborg logs). Auch das Wort „Vog“ wird als Eigenbeschreibung benutzt. Durch die Verfügbarkeit von schnelleren Datenübertragungen werden aber auch immer mehr Blogs Videosequenzen aufnehmen und die Grenzen zwischen Blog und Vlog verwischen.

In Analogie zu einem Blog sind die Beiträge in einem Vlog überwiegend eigene Werke des Vloggers, darin unterscheidet sich ein Vlog von einer Sammlung von Web-Videos.

Bei einem Geovlog werden einem Video noch zusätzlich geografische Daten wie Längen- und Breitengrad hinzugefügt. Mangels Unterstützung von Metainformationen in Videodateien geschieht dies durch spezielle Programmierung auf der Webseite, auf der das Video veröffentlicht wird. Zusätzlich können Geodaten in RSS-Feeds zu jeder Videopublikation hinzugefügt werden.

Blogger und Vlogger nutzen massenmediale Ergebnisse, um aus ihnen individuelle oder themenspezifische Zusammenträge und Kommentierungen zu generieren. Dennoch finden Vlogs zunehmend Anerkennung als journalistisches Medium und werden u. a. auch schon bei Awards mit Hinsicht zur Förderung der Pressefreiheit bedacht, so z. B. The BOBs.

  • Podcast
  • Sherry Turkle: Leben im Netz: Identität in Zeiten des Internet. Rowohlt, Reinbek bei Hamburg 1998, ISBN 3-498-06517-3.
  • Howard Rheingold: Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution. Basic Books, Cambridge, Mass. 2003, ISBN 0-7382-0861-2.


Commons: Video blogging – Sammlung von Bildern, Videos und Audiodateien

 Wiktionary: Vlog – Bedeutungserklärungen, Wortherkunft, Synonyme, Übersetzungen

  1. Katie Dean: Blogging + Video = Vlogging. wired.com, 17. Juli 2005, archiviert vom Original am 17. Juli 2005; abgerufen am 4. Februar 2017. 
  2. Deutsche Welle (www.dw.com): How video blogging is changing the media industry | DW | 12.11.2014. Abgerufen am 29. Juni 2021 (britisches Englisch). 

Abgerufen von „//de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Vlog&oldid=217861016“

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