The sum of all two digit odd natural numbers is 1 50492 24753 49054 2530

Find the sum of all two-digit odd positive numbers.

Asked by Topperlearning User | 22 Sep, 2017, 08:06: AM

Two digit odd positive numbers are 11, 13, 15, ...., 99.

This is an A.P. with,

First term, a = 11, Common difference, d = 13 - 11 = 2, and last term, an = 99

Now, an = a + (n - 1)d

99 = 11 + (n - 1)2

99 = 11 + 2n - 2

99 = 9 + 2n

2n = 90

n = 45

Thus, the sum of all two-digit odd positive numbers is 2475.

Answered by | 22 Sep, 2017, 10:06: AM

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