The HCF of two numbers is 18 and their product is 12960 find their LCM

The HCF of two numbers is 18 and their product is 12960. Find their LCM.

HCF of two numbers = 18Product of two numbers = 12960Let their LCM be x.Using the formula, product of two numbers = HCF × LCMwe conclude that12960 = 18 × xx =` 12960 / 18`= 720

Hence, their LCM is 720.

Concept: Euclid’s Division Lemma

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The HCF of two numbers is 18 and their product is 12960. Find their LCM.


HCF of two numbers = 18

Product of two numbers = 12960

Let their LCM be x.

Using the formula, Product of two numbers = HCF x LCM

We conclude that

12960 = 18 . X

X =

= 720

Hence, their LCM is 720.


Secondary School Mathematics X

Standard X

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