Methodologies are a sequence of step-by-step approaches that help to develop the information system.

2. Interrelated components

The main goal of systems analysis and design is to improve organizational systems, typically through applying software that can help employees accomplish key business tasks more easily and efficiently. As a systems analyst, you will be at the center of developing this software. The analysis and design of information systems are based on: 

      1. . Your understanding of the organization’s objectives, structure, and processes
      2. . Your knowledge of how to exploit information technology for advantage

To be successful in this endeavor, you should follow a structured approach. The SDLC, shown in Figure above, is a four-phased approach to identifying, analyzing, designing, and implementing an information system. Throughout this lessons, we use the SDLC to organize our discussion of the systems development process.  Before we talk about the SDLC, we first describe what is meant by systemsanalysis and design.

Systems Analysis and Design: Core Concepts

The major goal of systems analysis and design is to improve organizational systems. Often this process involves developing or acquiring application software and training employees to use it. Application software, also called a system, is designed to support a specific organizational function or process, such as inventory management, payroll, or market analysis. The goal of application software is to turn data into information. For example, software developed for the inventory department at a bookstore may keep track of thenumber of books in stock of the latest best seller. Software for the payroll department may keep track of the changing pay rates of employees. A variety of off-the-shelf application software can be purchased, including WordPerfect, Excel, and PowerPoint. However, off-the-shelf software may not fit the needs of a particular organization, and so the organization must develop its own product.

In addition to application software, the information system includes: 

  • The hardware and systems software on which the application software runs. Note that the systems software helps the computer function, whereas the application software helps the user perform tasks such as writing a paper, preparing a spreadsheet, and linking to the Internet. 
  • Documentation and training materials, which are materials created by the systems analyst to help employees use the software they’ve helped create.
  • . The specific job roles associated with the overall system, such as the people who run the computers and keep the software operating.
  • . Controls, which are parts of the software written to help prevent fraud and theft.
  • . The people who use the software in order to do their jobs

The components of a computer-based information system application are summarized in Figure below. We address all the dimensions of the overall system, with particular emphasis on application software development—your primary responsibility as a systems analyst.

Our goal is to help you understand and follow the software engineering process that leads to the creation of information systems. As shown in Figure below, proven methodologies, techniques, and tools are central to software engineering processes.

Methodologies  A methodology is a body of practices, procedures, and rules used by those who work in a discipline or engage in an inquiry. Often, a methodology is implemented as a set of well-defined steps or phases, each of which ends with a clear, measurable set of exit criteria. A key purpose of a methodology is ensuring that nothing is overlooked in the process of solving a complex problem (such as developing a complex information system). 

Methodologies are a sequence of step-by-step approaches that help develop your final product: the information system. Most methodologies incorporate several development techniques, such as direct observations and interviews with users of the current system.

Techniques are processes that you, as an analyst, will follow to help ensure that your work is well thought-out, complete, and comprehensible to others on  your project team. Techniques provide support for a wide range of tasks, including conducting thorough interviews with current and future users of the information system to determine what your system should do, planning and managing the activities in a systems development project, diagramming how the system will function, and designing the reports, such as invoices, your system will generate for its users to perform their jobs.

Tools are computer programs, such as computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tools, that make it easy to use specific techniques. These three elements— methodologies, techniques, and tools—work together to form an organizational approach to systems analysis and design.

Project Methodology Options

Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) provides the foundation for the processes used to develop an information system. A methodology is a formalized approach to implementing the SDLC (i.e., it is a list of steps and deliverables). There are many different systems development methodologies, and they vary in terms of the progression that is followed through the phases of the SDLC. Some methodologies are formal standards used by government agencies, while others have been developed by consulting firms to sell to clients. Many organizations have their own internal methodologies that have been refined over the years, and they explain exactly how each phase of the SDLC is to be performed in that company. Here we will review several of the predominant methodologies that have evolved over time.

Structured Design The first category of systems development methodologies is called structured design. These methodologies became dominant in the 1980s, replacing the previous, ad hoc, and undisciplined approach. Structured design methodologies adopt a formal step-by-step approach to the SDLC that moves logically from one phase to the next. Numerous process-centered and data-centered methodologies follow the basic approach of the two structured design categories outlined next.

Waterfall Development The original structured design methodology (still used today) is waterfall development. With waterfall development–based methodologies, the analysts and users proceed in sequence from one phase to the next (see Figure below). The key deliverables for each phase are typically very long (often hundreds of pages in length) and are presented to the project sponsor for approval as the project moves from phase to phase.  Once the sponsor approves the work that was conducted for a phase, the phase ends and the next one begins. This methodology is referred to as waterfall development because it moves forward from phase to phase in the same manner as a waterfall. Although it is possible to go backward in the SDLC (e.g., from design back to analysis), it is extremely difficult (imagine yourself as a salmon trying to swim upstream against a waterfall, as shown in Figure).

There are two important variants of waterfall development. The parallel development methodologies evolved to address the lengthy time frame of waterfall development and the  The V-model is another variation of waterfall development that pays moreexplicit attention to testing.

Parallel Development Parallel development methodology attempts to address the problem of long delays between the analysis phase and the delivery of the system. Instead of doing design and implementation in sequence, it performs a general design for the whole
system and then divides the project into a series of distinct subprojects that can be designed and implemented in parallel. Once all subprojects are complete, there i
s a final integration of the separate pieces, and the system is delivered (see Figure below).

V-model is simple and straightforward and improves the overall quality of systems through its emphasis on early development of test plans. It still suffers from the rigidity of the waterfall development process, however, and is not always appropriate for the dynamic nature of the business environment.

Rapid Application Development (RAD)  A second category of methodologies includes rapid application development (RAD)–based
methodologies. These are a newer class of systems development methodologies that emerged in the 1990s. RAD-based methodologies attempt to address both weaknesses of structured design methodologies by adjusting the SDLC phases to get some part of the system developed quickly and into the hands of the users. In this way, the users can better understand the system and suggest revisions that bring the system closer to what is needed.

Most RAD-based methodologies recommend that analysts use special techniques and computer tools to speed up the analysis, design, and implementation phases, such as CASE tools, joint application design (JAD) sessions, fourth-generation/visual programming languages that simplify and speed up programming (e.g., Visual Basic), and code generators that automatically produce programs from design specifications.

Phased Development

A phased development–based methodology breaks an overall system into a series of versions, which are developed sequentially. The analysis phase identifies the overall system concept, and the project team, users, and system sponsor then categorize the requirements into a series of versions. The most important and fundamental requirements are bundled into the first version of the system. The analysis phase then leads into design and implementation—but only with the set of requirements identified for version 1
(see Figure below).

Once version 1 is implemented, work begins on version 2. Additional analysis is performed based on the previously identified requirements and combined with new ideas and 

issues that arose from the users’ experience with version 1. Version 2 then is designed andimplemented, and work immediately begins on the next version. This process continues until the system is complete or is no longer in use.

Phased development–based methodologies have the advantage of quickly getting a useful system into the hands of the users. Although the system does not perform all the functions the users need at first, it does begin to provide business value sooner than if the system were delivered after completion, as is the case with the waterfall and parallel methodologies. Likewise, because users begin to work with the system sooner, they are more likely to identify important additional requirements sooner than with structured design situations.

The major drawback to phased development is that users begin to work with systems that are intentionally incomplete. It is critical to identify the most important and useful features and include them in the first version and to manage users’ expectations along the way.

Prototyping A prototyping-based methodology performs the analysis, design, and implementation phases concurrently, and all three phases are performed repeatedly in a cycle until the system is completed. With these methodologies, the basics of analysis and design
are performed, and work immediately begins on a system prototype, a “quick-and-dirty” program that provides a minimal amount of features. The first prototype is usually the first part of the system that is used. This is shown to the users and the project sponsor, who provide comments. These comments are used to reanalyze, redesign, and reimplement a second prototype, which provides a few more features. This process continues in a cycle until the analysts, users, and sponsor agree that the prototype provides enough functionality tobe installed and used in the organization. After the prototype (now called the system) is installed, refinement occurs until it is accepted as the new system (see Figure below).

The key advantage of a prototyping-based methodology is that it very quickly provides a system with which the users can interact, even if it is not ready for widespread organizational use at first. Prototyping reassures the users that the project team is working on the system (there are no long delays in which the users see little progress), and prototyping helps to more quickly refine real requirements. Rather than attempting to understand a system specification on paper, the users can interact with the prototype to better understand what it can and cannot do.

The major problem with prototyping is that its fast-paced system releases challenge attempts to conduct careful, methodical analysis. Often the prototype undergoes such significant changes that many initial design decisions become poor ones. This can cause problems in the development of complex systems because fundamental issues and problems are not recognized until well into the development process. Imagine building a car and discovering late in the prototyping process that you have to take the whole engine out to change the oil (because no one thought about the need to change the oil until after it had been driven 10,000 miles).

Throwaway Prototyping

Throwaway prototyping–based methodologies are similar to prototyping-based methodologies in that they include the development of prototypes; however, throwaway prototypes are done at a different point in the SDLC. These prototypes are used for a very different purpose than those previously discussed, and they have a very different appearance (see Figure below).

The throwaway prototyping–based methodologies have a relatively thorough analysis phase that is used to gather information and to develop ideas for the system concept. However, users may not completely understand many of the features they suggest, and there may be challenging technical issues to be solved. Each of these issues is examined by analyzing, designing, and building a design prototype. A design prototype is not a working system; it is a product that represents a part of the system that needs additional refinement, and it contains only enough detail to enable users to understand the issues under consideration. For example, suppose users are not completely clear on how an order entry system should work. The analyst team might build a series of HTML pages viewed using a Web browser to help the users visualize such a system. In this case, a series of mock-up screens appear to be a system, but they really do nothing. Or, suppose that the project team needs to develop a sophisticated graphics program in Java. The team could write a portion of the program with pretend data to ensure that they could do a full-blown program successfully.

A system developed using this type of methodology probably relies on several design prototypes during the analysis and design phases. Each of the prototypes is used to minimize the risk associated with the system by confirming that important issues are understood before the real system is built. Once the issues are resolved, the project moves into design and implementation. At this point, the design prototypes are thrown away, which is an important difference between these methodologies and prototyping methodologies, in which the prototypes evolve into the final system.Throwaway prototyping–based methodologies balance the benefits of well-thoughtout analysis and design phases with the advantages of using prototypes to refine key issues before a system is built. It may take longer to deliver the final system as compared to prototyping-based methodologies (because the prototypes do not become the final system), but this type of methodology usually produces more stable and reliable systems.

Agile Development  A third category of systems development methodologies is still emerging today: agile development. These programming-centric methodologies have few rules and practices, all of which are fairly easy to follow. They focus on streamlining the SDLC by eliminating much of the modeling and documentation overhead and the time spent on those tasks. Instead, projects emphasize simple, iterative application development. Examples of agile development methodologies include extreme programming, Scrum, and the Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM). The agile development approach, as described next, typically is used in conjunction with object-oriented methodologies.

Extreme Programming   

Extreme programming (XP) is founded on four core values: communication, simplicity, feedback, and courage. These four values provide a foundation that XP developers use to create any system. First, the developers must provide rapid feedback to the end users on a continuous basis. Second, XP requires developers to followthe KISS principle.7 Third, developers must make incremental changes to grow the system, and they must not only accept change, they must embrace change. Fourth, developers must have a quality-first mentality. XP also supports team members in developing their own skills.

Three of the key principles that XP uses to create successful systems are continuous testing, simple coding performed by pairs of developers, and close interactions with end users to build systems very quickly. After a superficial planning process, projects perform analysis, design, and implementation phases iteratively (see Figure below)

Testing and efficient coding practices are core to XP. In fact, code is tested each day and is placed into an integrative testing environment. If bugs exist, the code is backed out until it is completely free of errors. XP relies heavily on refactoring, which is a disciplined way to restructure code to keep it simple.

An XP project begins with user stories that describe what the system needs to do. Then, programmers code in small, simple modules and test to meet those needs. Users are required to be available to clear up questions and issues as they arise. Standards are very important to minimize confusion, so XP teams use a common set of names, descriptions, and coding practices. XP projects deliver results sooner than even the RAD approaches, and they rarely get bogged down in gathering requirements for the system.

For small projects with highly motivated, cohesive, stable, and experienced teams, XP should work just fine. However, if the project is not small or the teams aren’t jelled, then the success of an XP development effort is doubtful. This tends to throw the whole idea of bringing outside contractors into an existing team environment using XP into doubt.9 Thechance of outsiders “jelling” with insiders may simply be too optimistic. XP requires a great deal of discipline; otherwise projects will become unfocused and chaotic. Furthermore, it is recommended only for small groups of developers—no more than ten developers, and it is not advised for large mission-critical applications. Due to the lack of analysis and designdocumentation, there is only code documentation associated with XP, so maintaining large systems built with XP may be impossible. And because mission-critical business information systems tend to exist for a long time, the utility of XP as a business information system development methodology is in doubt. Finally, the methodology needs a lot of on-site userinput, something to which many business units cannot commit.

Selecting the Appropriate Development Methodology
Because there are many methodologies, the first challenge faced by analysts is to select which methodology to use. Choosing a methodology is not simple, because no one methodology is always best. (If it were, we’d simply use it everywhere!) Many organizations have standards and policies to guide the choice of methodology. You will find that organizations range from having one “approved” methodology to having several methodology options to having no formal policies at all.

Figure below summarizes some important methodology selection criteria. One important item not discussed in this figure is the degree of experience of the analyst team. Many of the RAD-based methodologies require the use of “new” tools and techniques that have a significant learning curve. Often these tools and techniques increase the complexity of the project and require extra time for learning. However, once they are adopted and the team becomes experienced, the tools and techniques can significantly increase the speed in which the methodology can deliver a final system.

When the user requirements for a system are unclear, it is difficult to understand them by talking about them and explaining them with written reports. Users normally need to interact with technology to really understand what a new system can do and how to best apply it to their needs. Prototyping- and throwaway prototyping–based RAD methodologies are usually more appropriate when user requirements are unclear because they provide prototypes for users to interact with early in the SDLC.

Familiarity with Technology

When the system will use new technology with which the analysts and programmers are not familiar (e.g., the first Web development project with Java), early application of the new technology in the methodology will improve the chanceof success. If the system is designed without some familiarity with the base technology, risks increase because the tools might not be capable of doing what is needed. Throwaway prototyping–based methodologies are particularly appropriate if users lack familiarity with technology because they explicitly encourage the developers to develop design prototypes for areas with high risks. Phased development–based methodologies are good as well, because they create opportunities to investigate the technology in some depth before the design is complete. Although you might think prototyping-based methodologies are also appropriate, they are much less so because the early prototypes that are built usually only scratch the surface of the new technology. It is generally only after several prototypes andseveral months that the developers discover weaknesses or problems in the new technology.

System Complexity Complex systems require careful and detailed analysis and design. Throwaway prototyping–based methodologies are particularly well suited to such detailed analysis and design, as opposed to prototyping-based methodologies, which are not. The
traditional structured design–based methodologies can handle complex systems, but without the ability to get the system or prototypes into the users’ hands early on, some key issues may be overlooked. Although phased development–based methodologies enable users to interact with the system early in the process, we have observed that project teams who follow these tend to devote less attention to the analysis of the complete problem domain than they might using other methodologies.

System Reliability System reliability is usually an important factor in system development—after all, who wants an unreliable system? However, reliability is just one factor among several. For some applications reliability is truly critical (e.g., medical equipment, missile
control systems), whereas for other applications (e.g., games, Internet video) it is merely important. Throwaway prototyping methodologies are the most appropriate when system reliability is a high priority, because it combines detailed analysis and design phases with the ability for the project team to test many different approaches through design prototypes before completing the design. Prototyping methodologies are generally not a good choice when reliability is critical because it lacks the careful analysis and design phases that are essential for dependable systems.

Short Time Schedules Projects that have short time schedules are well suited for RADbased methodologies. This is due to them being designed to increase the speed of development. Prototyping and phased development–based methodologies are excellent choices when timelines are short because they best enable the project team to adjust the functionality in the system based on a specific delivery date, and if the project schedule starts to slip, it can be readjusted by removing functionality from the version or prototype under development. Waterfall-based methodologies are the worst choice when time is at a premium because they do not allow for easy schedule changes.

Schedule Visibility One of the greatest challenges in systems development is determining whether a project is on schedule. This is particularly true of the structured design methodologies because design and implementation occur at the end of the project. The
RAD-based methodologies move many of the critical design decisions earlier in the project to help project managers recognize and address risk factors and keep expectations in check.

Object-oriented approaches to developing information systems, technically speaking, can use any of the traditional methodologies (waterfall development, parallel development, phased development, prototyping, and throwaway prototyping). However, the objectoriented approaches are most associated with a phased development RAD methodology. The primary difference between a traditional approach like structured design and an objectoriented approach is how a problem is decomposed. In traditional approaches, the problem decomposition process is either process centric or data centric. However, processes and data are so closely related that it is difficult to pick one or the other as the primary focus. Based on this lack of congruence with the real world, new object-oriented methodologies have emerged that use the RAD-based sequence of SDLC phases but attempt to balance the 
emphasis between process and data by focusing the decomposition of problems on objects that contain both data and processes. Both approaches are valid approaches to developing information systems. In this book, we focus only on object-oriented approaches. 

According to the creators of the Unified Modeling Language (UML), Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson, and James Rumbaugh,12 any modern object-oriented approach to developing information systems must be (1) use-case driven, (2) architecture-centric, and (3) iterative and incremental.

Use-Case Driven
Use-case driven means that use cases are the primary modeling tools defining the behavior of the system. A use case describes how the user interacts with the system to perform some activity, such as placing an order, making a reservation, or searching for information. The use cases are used to identify and to communicate the requirements for the system to the programmers who must write the system. Use cases are inherently simple because they focus on only one activity at a time. In contrast, the process model diagrams used by traditional structured and RAD methodologies are far more complex because they require the system analyst and user to develop models of the entire system. With traditional methodologies, each business activity is decomposed into a set of subprocesses, which are, in turn,  ecomposed into further subprocesses, and so on. This goes on until no further process decomposition makes sense, and it often requires dozens of pages of interlocking diagrams. In contrast, use cases focus on only one activity at a time, so developing models is much simpler.

Architecture Centric
Any modern approach to systems analysis and design should be architecture centric. Architecture centric means that the underlying software architecture of the evolving system specification drives the specification, construction, and documentation of the system. Modern object-oriented systems analysis and design approaches should support at least three separate but interrelated architectural views of a system: functional, static, and dynamic. The functional, or external, view describes the behavior of the system from the perspective of the user. The structural, or static, view describes the system in terms of attributes, methods, classes, and relationships. The behavioral, or dynamic, view describes the behavior of the system in terms of messages passed among objects and state changes within an object.

Iterative and Incremental
Modern object-oriented systems analysis and design approaches emphasize iterative and incremental development that undergoes continuous testing and refinement throughout the life of the project. This implies that the systems analysts develop their understanding of a user’s problem by building up the three architectural views little by little. The systems analyst does this by 
working with the user to create a functional representation of the system under study. Next, the analyst attempts to build a structural representation of the evolving system. Using the structural representation of the system, the analyst distributes the functionality of the system over the evolving structure to create a behavioral representation of the evolving system.

As an analyst works with the user in developing the three architectural views of the evolving system, the analyst will iterate over each of and among the views. That is, as the analyst better understands the structural and behavioral views, the analyst will uncover missing requirements or misrepresentations in the functional view. This, in turn, can cause changes to be cascaded back through the structural and behavioral views. All three architectural views of the system are interlinked and dependent on each other (see Figure below).

As each increment and iteration is completed, a more complete representation of the user’s real functional requirements are uncovered.

Benefits of Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design
Concepts in the object-oriented approach enable analysts to break a complex system into smaller, more manageable modules, work on the modules individually, and easily piece the modules back together to form an information system. This modularity makes system
development easier to grasp, easier to share among members of a project team, and easier to communicate to users, who are needed to provide requirements and confirm how well the system meets the requirements throughout the SDLC. By modularizing system development, the project team actually is creating reusable pieces that can be plugged into other systems efforts or used as starting points for other projects. Ultimately, this can save time because new projects don’t have to start completely from scratch. Many people argue that “object-think” is a much more realistic way to think about the real world. Users typically do not think in terms of data or process; instead, they see their business as a collection of logical units that contain both—so communicating in terms of objects improves the interaction between a user and an analyst or developer.


The Unified Process is a specific methodology that maps out when and how to use the various UML techniques for object-oriented analysis and design. The primary contributors were Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobsen, and James Rumbaugh of Rational. Whereas the UML provides structural support for developing the structure and behavior of an information
system, the Unified Process provides the behavioral support.
The Unified Process, of course, is use-case driven, architecture centric, and iterative and incremental.

The Unified Process is a two-dimensional systems development process described by a set of phases and workflows. The phases are inception, elaboration, construction, and transition. The workflows include business modeling, requirements, analysis, design, implementation, test, deployment, project management, configuration and change management, and environment. In the remainder of this section, we describe the phases and workflows of the Unified Process.  Figure below depicts the Unified Process.

The phases of the Unified Process support an analyst in developing information systems in an iterative and incremental manner. The phases describe how an information system evolves through time. Depending on which development phase the evolving system is
currently in, the level of activity will vary over the workflows. The curve in Figure 1-10 associated with each workflow approximates the amount of activity that takes place during the specific phase. For example, the inception phase primarily involves the business modeling
and requirements workflows, while practically ignoring the test and deployment workflows. Each phase contains a set of iterations, and each iteration uses the various workflows to create an incremental version of the evolving information system. As the system evolvesthrough the phases, it improves and becomes more complete. Each phase has objectives, afocus of activity over the workflows, and incremental deliverables. Each of the phases is

described next.


In many ways, the inception phase is very similar to the planning phase of a traditional SDLC approach. In this phase, a business case is made for the proposed system. This includes feasibility analysis that should answer questions such as the following:Do we have the technical capability to build it (technical feasibility)?If we build it, will it provide business value (economic feasibility)?

If we build it, will it be used by the organization (organizational feasibility)?

To answer these questions, the development team performs work related primarily to the business modeling, requirements, and analysis workflows. In some cases, depending on the technical difficulties that could be encountered during the development of the system,a throwaway prototype is developed. This implies that the design, implementation, and test workflows could also be involved. The project management and environment supporting workflows are very relevant to this phase. The primary deliverables from the inceptionphase are (1) a vision document that sets the scope of the project, identifies the primary requirements and constraints, sets up an initial project plan, and describes the feasibility of and risks associated with the project, and (2) the adoption of the necessary environment to

develop the system.

When we typically think about object-oriented systems analysis and design, the activities related to the elaboration phase of the Unified Process are the most relevant. The analysis and design workflows are the primary focus during this phase. The elaboration phase continues with developing the vision document, including finalizing the business case, revising the risk assessment, and completing a project plan in sufficient detail to allow the stakeholders to be able to agree with constructing the actual final system. It deals withgathering the requirements, building the UML structural and behavioral models of the problem domain, and detailing how the problem domain models fit into the evolving system architecture. Developers are involved with all but the deployment engineering workflow

in this phase. As the developers iterate over the workflows, the importance of addressing configuration and change management becomes apparent. Also, the development tools acquired during the inception phase become critical to the success of the project during this phase. The primary deliverables of this phase include (1) the UML structure and behavior diagrams and (2) an executable of a baseline version of the evolving information system. The baseline version serves as the foundation for all later iterations. By providing a solid foundation at this point in time, the developers have a basis for completing the system in the construction and transition phases.

The construction phase focuses heavily on programming the evolving information system. As such, it is primarily concerned with the implementation workflow. However, the requirements workflow and the analysis and design workflows also are involved with thisphase. It is during this phase that missing requirements are uncovered, and the analysis and design models are finally completed. Typically, there are iterations of the workflows during this phase, and during the last iteration, the deployment workflow kicks into high gear. The configuration and change management workflow, with its version control activities, becomes extremely important during the construction phase. At times, an iteration may have to be rolled back. Without good version controls, rolling back to a previous version (incremental implementation) of the system is nearly impossible. The primary deliverable of this phase is an implementation of the system that can be released for beta and acceptance testing.


Like the construction phase, the transition phase addresses aspects typically associated with the implementation phase of a traditional SDLC approach. Its primary focus is on the testing and deployment workflows. Essentially, the business modeling, requirements, and analysis workflows should have been completed in earlier iterations of the evolving information system. Depending on the results from the testing workflow, it is possible that some redesign and programming activities on the design and implementation workflows could be necessary, but they should be minimal at this point in time. From a managerial perspective, the project management, configuration and change management, and environment are involved. Some of the activities that take place are beta and acceptance testing, fine-tuning the design and implementation, user training, and the actual rolling out of the final product onto a production platform. Obviously, the primary deliverable is the actual executable information system. The other deliverables include user manuals, a plan to support the users, and a plan for upgrading the information system in the future.

The workflows describe the tasks or activities that a developer performs to evolve an information system over time. The workflows of the Unified Process are grouped into two broad categories: engineering and supporting.

Engineering Workflows Engineering workflows include business modeling, requirements, analysis, design, implementation, test, and deployment workflows. The engineering workflows deal with the activities that produce the technical product (i.e., the information system).

Business Modeling Workflow The business modeling workflow uncovers problems and identifies potential projects within a user organization. This workflow aids management in understanding the scope of the projects that can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of a user organization. The primary purpose of business modeling is to ensure that both developer and user organizations understand where and how the to-be-developed information system fits into the business processes of the user organization. This workflow is primarily executed during the inception phase to ensure that we develop information systems that make business sense. The activities that take place on this workflow are most closely associated with the planning phase of the traditional SDLC; however, requirements gathering and use-case and business process modeling techniques also help to understand the business situation.

Requirements Workflow In the Unified Process, the requirements workflow includes eliciting both functional and nonfunctional requirements. Typically, requirements are gathered from project stakeholders, such as end users, managers within the end user organization, and even customers. There are many different ways to capture requirements, including interviews, observation techniques, joint application development, document analysis, and questionnaires. The requirements workflow is utilized the most during the inception and elaboration phases. The identified requirements are very helpful for developing the vision document and the use cases used throughout the development process. Additional requirements tend to be discovered throughout the development process. In fact, only the transition phase tends to have few, if any, additional requirements identified.

Analysis Workflow The analysis workflow primarily addresses the creation of an analysis model of the problem domain. In the Unified Process, the analyst begins designing the architecture associated with the problem domain; using the UML, the analyst creates structural and behavioral diagrams that depict a description of the problem domain classes and their interactions. The primary purpose of the analysis workflow is to ensure that both the developer and user organizations understand the underlying problem and its domain without overanalyzing. If they are not careful, analysts can create analysis paralysis, which occurs when the project becomes so bogged down with analysis that the system is never actually designed or implemented. A second purpose of the analysis workflow is to identify useful reusable classes for class libraries. By reusing predefined classes, the analyst can avoid “reinventing the wheel” when creating the structural and behavioral diagrams. The analysis workflow is predominantly associated with the elaboration phase, but like the requirements workflow, it is possible that additional analysis will be required throughout the development process.

Design Workflow

The design workflow transitions the analysis model into a form that can be used to implement the system: the design model. Whereas the analysis workflow concentrated on understanding the problem domain, the design workflow focuses on developing a solution that will execute in a specific environment. Basically, the design workflowsimply enhances the description of the evolving information system by adding classes that address the environment of the information system to the evolving analysis model. As such, the design workflow uses activities such as user interface design, database design, physical architecture design, detailed problem domain class design, and the optimization of theevolving information system. The design workflow is associated primarily with the elaboration and construction phases of the Unified Process.

Implementation Workflow

The primary purpose of the implementation workflow is to create an executable solution based on the design model (i.e., programming). This includes not only writing new classes but also incorporating reusable classes from executable class libraries into the evolving solution. As with any programming activity, testing of the newclasses and their interactions with the incorporated reusable classes must occur. Finally, in the case of multiple groups performing the implementation of the information system, the implementers also must integrate the separate, individually tested modules to create an executable version of the system. The implementation workflow is associated primarilywith the elaboration and construction phases.

Testing Workflow The primary purpose of the testing workflow is to increase the quality of the evolving system. As such, testing goes beyond the simple unit testing associated with the implementation workflow. In this case, testing also includes testing the integration of all modules used to implement the system, user acceptance testing, and the actual alpha testing of the software. Practically speaking, testing should go on throughout the development of the system; testing of the analysis and design models occurs during the elaboration and construction phases, whereas implementation testing is performed primarily during the construction and, to some degree, transition phases. Basically, at the end of each iteration
during the development of the information system, some type of test should be performed.

Deployment Workflow

The deployment workflow is most associated with the transition phase of the Unified Process. The deployment workflow includes activities, such as software packaging, distribution, installation, and beta testing. When actually deploying the new information system into a user organization, the developers may have to convert thecurrent data, interface the new software with the existing software, and provide end user training on the use of the new system.

Supporting Workflows The supporting workflows include the project management, configuration and change management, and the environment workflows. The supporting workflows focus on the managerial aspects of information system development.

Project Management Workflow Whereas the other workflows associated with the Unified Process are technically active during all four phases, the project management workflow is the only truly cross-phase workflow. The development process supports incremental and iterative development, so information systems tend to grow or evolve over time. At the end of each iteration, a new incremental version of the system is ready for delivery. The project management workflow is quite important due to the complexity of the two-dimensional development model of the Unified Process (workflows and phases). This workflow’s activities include risk identification and management, scope management, estimating the time
to complete each iteration and the entire project, estimating the cost of the individual iteration and the whole project, and tracking the progress being made toward the final version of the evolving information system.

Configuration and Change Management Workflow The primary purpose of the configuration and change management workflow is to keep track of the state of the evolving system. In a nutshell, the evolving information system comprises a set of artifacts, including, for example, diagrams, source code, and executables. During the development process, these artifacts are modified. A substantial amount of work—and, hence, dollars—is involved in the development of the artifacts. As such, the artifacts themselves should be handled as any expensive asset would be handled—access controls must be put into place to safeguard the artifacts from being stolen or destroyed. Furthermore, because the artifacts are modified on a regular, if not continuous, basis, good version control mechanisms should be established. Finally, a good deal of project management information needs to be captured (e.g., author, time, and location of each modification). The configuration and change management workflow is associated mostly with the construction and transition phases.

Environment Workflow During the development of an information system, the development team needs to use different tools and processes. The environment workflow addresses these needs. For example, a computer-aided software engineering tool that supports the development of an object-oriented information system via the UML could be
required. Other tools necessary include programming environments, project management tools, and configuration management tools. The environment workflow involves acquiring and installing these tools. Even though this workflow can be active during all of the phases of the Unified Process, it should be involved primarily with the inception phase.

Until 1995, object concepts were popular but implemented in many different ways by different developers. Each developer had his or her own methodology and notation (e.g., Booch, Coad, Moses, OMT, OOSE, SOMA.)19 Then in 1995, Rational Software brought three industry leaders together to create a single approach to object-oriented systems development. Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson, and James Rumbaugh worked with others to create a standardset of diagramming techniques known as the Unified Modeling Language (UML). The objective of UML was to provide a common vocabulary of object-oriented terms and diagramming techniques rich enough to model any systems development project from analysis through implementation. In November 1997, the Object Management Group (OMG) formally accepted UML as the standard for all object developers. During the following years, the UML has gone through multiple minor revisions. The current version of UML, Version 2.0, was accepted by the members of the OMG during their spring and summer meetings of 2003. Version 2.0 of the UML defines a set of fourteen diagramming techniques used to model a system. The diagrams are broken into two major groupings: one for modeling structure of a system and one for modeling behavior. Structure diagrams provide a way to represent the data and static relationships in an information system. The structure diagrams include class, object, package, deployment, component, and composite structure diagrams.

Behavior diagrams provide the analyst with a way to depict the dynamic relationships among the instances or objects that represent the business information system. They also allow the modeling of the dynamic behavior of individual objects throughout their lifetime. The behavior diagrams support the analyst in modeling the functional requirements of an evolving information system. The behavior modeling diagrams include activity, sequence, communication, interaction overview, timing, behavior state machine, protocol state machine, and use-case diagrams.  Table Below provides an overview of these diagrams.

Depending on where in the development process the system is, different diagrams play a more important role. In some cases, the same diagramming technique is used throughout the development process. In that case, the diagrams start off very conceptual and abstract. As the system is developed, the diagrams evolve to include details that ultimately lead to code generation and development. In other words, the diagrams move from documenting the requirements to laying out the design. Overall, the consistent notation, integration among the diagramming techniques, and application of the diagrams across the entire development process makes the UML a powerful and flexible language for analysts and developers. Later  provide more detail on using a subset of the UML in object-oriented systems analysis and design. In particular, these chapters describe activity, use-case, class, object, sequence, communication, and package diagrams and the behavioral state machines.

The Unified Modeling Language, or UML, is a standard set of diagramming techniques that provide a graphical representation rich enough to model any systems development project from analysis through implementation. Today most object-oriented systems analysis and design approaches use the UML to depict an evolving system. The UML uses a set of different diagrams to portray the various views of the evolving system. The diagrams are grouped into two broad classifications: structure and behavior. The structure diagrams include class, object, package, deployment, component, and composite 

structure diagrams. The behavior diagrams include activity, sequence, communication, interaction overview, timing, behavior state machine, protocol state machine, and use case diagrams.

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