How to stop thinking about work at night Reddit

Per the title, I've been having a hard time mentally disconnecting from work. Feels like there are too many problems to tackle and it's all consuming at times.

Recently, have been getting racing thoughts at night and it prevents me from feeling rested. Wonder if any of you have gone through that and what you've done that helps!

Thank you

I work in a small office with a boss who makes it a pretty stressful environment. I'm struggling with this in 2 areas and would love some advice.

How do I leave the work stress at the office and not carry it home. I've tried a few things with minimal success.

What technique could I use when the stress keeps me awake at night either when I am going to sleep or when I wake in the middle of the night. I have trouble quieting my mind for more than 30 seconds at a time when this happens. This happens probably 2-3 nights per week M-F. Is there a technique that can help me to let go and sleep peacefully.

I also have have a low level of underlying anxiety due to family medical issues. I seem to be able to deal with this mostly, but when combined with excess work stress I have trouble coping with all of it together. Thanks in advance for any advice!!!

Actually asking for my girlfriend, who's freelance gig recently took off and is getting a lot more work than usual. She's suffering from a problem where she's constantly worried about her work, just as she wakes up, during meals, during commutes, before she sleeps, almost all the time. For instance the other night before she went to bed she remembered that she forgot to send a reminder to one of her customers. Stress is building up and it's not looking good for her mental health.

I think this is probably a personal organization problem, if she can set up a system so she can figuratively leave all her work on her computer (or at least phone), she can alleviate some of this anxiety. Maybe a combination of apps can help.

If anyone can suggest any tools or ideas it would be greatly appreciated

P.S. she is on the apple ecosystem

Edit 1: Thanks for the overwhelming number of responses, really grateful for the feedback and a lot of them are very helpful. Just wanted to know if anyone has any apps to suggest? I’m not familiar with the scene but I keep hearing good things about apps like Evernote, omnifocus, etc. Does anyone have a specific app to recommend? Again thanks for the overwhelming response

Just going through a friend breakup. My nights are filled with memories and make up scenarios on what I should've done differently.

It usually takes me 2-3 hours to fall asleep, even before this happened. I tried everything, including working out, yoga, meditation, essential oils in the shower,.. I shut off all electronics, but that only lets my mind wonder.

Please help.

EDIT: Wow, I never expected such response. Thank you all! EDIT2: So far, what worked for me best was the Headspace app right before sleep and counting the breaths before I fall asleep. I try to also watch something 'feel-goody'. And lots of journaling, starting with "What I did today to feel better" :)

I recently changed job from hospitality to a customer support centre after 4 years in hospitality. One of the main reasons I left was because I couldn’t switch off from work when I got home so late and thought changing to a 9-5 would stop this. However, after a couple of weeks there I’ve realised that after an even slightly ‘bad day’ I can’t seem to stop thinking and worrying about work. I don’t look at anything work related such as emails but I can’t seem to stop thinking about work when I get home and stressing about it. Does anyone have any suggestions as how to stop thinking about work all the time and spending my evenings worrying about it?

I finished my BS/MS back at the end of 2019, and started my first full-time job in January 2020. Been with this job for around a year-and-a-half.

I really do enjoy the subject/stuff that I’m working on, because it’s tailored to exactly what I studied back in college/grad school, and wanted to do.

However, over the past-year-and-a-half, I can’t help but think about work over the weekends. The job can be pretty stressful at times, and it doesn’t help that I was sent home to WFH, two months after I started. My apartment had become my office, and it’s been pretty tough to separate the two. I’ve always this feeling of uncertainty that I’m going to get let go because of COVID-19 — hell, it happened to thousands of employees at my company, but they were in a different business segment.

I’ll probably do some work tomorrow, as I won’t be able to help myself.

Anyway, how do you guys tune out from work thought the weekend? I know this is a toxic mindset to have, and I’m considering seeing a therapist, but I’m not sure if that’s the right approach to take.

Also how long did it take you to get the point where you don't think about work outside of working hours?

In December last year, I started a new role in the utilities industry.. It's 8-5 Mon-Fri. It's a 40-45min car commute both ways. The job I am doing involves some pretty tight deadlines which I am expected to meet, my colleagues are helpful but I can't keep asking them a billion questions. I feel like I understand the work but it's so much to take on.

I'm going to be a father in a few weeks and feel quite overwhelmed to be honest. I can't stop thinking about work on my day off, I've never been stressed and anxious so continuously, anyone been through the same?

I have a fairly stressful job, and I find myself constantly thinking about things that happened at work even when I'm home for the day. I find it hard to just shut my brain off and relax once I'm done. Sometimes I even have dreams about work.

I like my job, I think it's something that's great for my personal development. But at the same time, I'd love to just be able to log off until the next morning once I'm done for the day.

Do you guys have any advice for me?

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