How to get rid of belly overhang female

Baby fat, lower tummy and overhanging belly can give women sleepless nights – don’t you agree it’s a nightmare! It’s common to see a slouchy belly post pregnancy or after gaining weight. Abdominal fat is one of the toughest areas to melt away extra fat from; however, it’s completely possible to get rid of a sagging stomach or abdominal panniculus, which is a combination of visceral and subcutaneous fat. With determination and a little extra push for your body, you can integrate a few habits in your day-to-day routine to get rid of this overhanging fat. Read about effective ways to get rid of an overhanging belly.

Main Causes for Overhanging Belly:

1. Fluctuation in weight. 2. Obesity. 3. Post-pregnancy weight gain. 4. Stress.

5. Insulin resistance.

12 Ways To Get Rid of Overhanging Belly:

1. Start on the Right Kind of Weight Loss Diet: To melt away the extra fat from the belly region, rather than doing crunches and hundred reps of ab exercises every single day, it would be prudent to straighten your diet to lose overall weight because spot reduction is a complete myth. Eating a protein-rich and nutrient dense diet, while remaining in a calorie deficit would lead to overall weight loss, including that overhanging belly that just refuses to budge – and all of it is possible on the Rati Beauty app. Download the Rati Beauty app for more details.

2. Give up Added Sugar: Refined sugar/added sugar can be counted as one of the main reasons behind weight gain, because most of the empty calories in sugar gets converted to fat and is mostly stored around the belly region (both as subcutaneous and visceral fat). This is exactly what leads to weight gain and that’s where the importance of cutting down sugar comes into play if you want to seriously lose belly fat. While grocery shopping, make a conscious effort to look for items that say “no added sugar.” Also, give up refined sugar, instead check out better alternatives like honey or stevia leaves.

3. Move Around More: Stop sitting at the work desk or on the couch for long hours. The more you move around, the better it is for your health and to melt away belly fat. Keep moving through the day to keep the fat-burning process high and metabolism robust, so that more calories get burnt.

4. Eat More Fiber-Rich Food: Adding more fiber can be extremely helpful in shedding weight because keeps you full for longer and keeps gut flora happy. When the friendly bacteria in gut thrive well, it leads to faster weight loss. Fruits, beans, nuts, dry fruits, broccoli, whole grains, pulses, and oats are good sources of fiber. Start consuming dry fruits when hungry and in the morning as they contain high amount of fiber. Other than that, you can have an apple a day to keep the overhanging belly fat away.

5. Practice Portion Control: Practice portion control with each meal, eat from smaller plates, and avoid fried, junk and sweet food items because they contain high amount of empty calories which lead to rapid weight gain. Make sure you eat fresh food and if you are in the mood of snacking, you can opt for cucumbers, carrots or have some fruits. Do not consume packaged foods like chips and popcorn.

6. Cardio Routine Helps: You must have heard this from everyone, but cardio for 20 minutes a day will help. Add some planks and crunches to the mix as well as some aerobics to make your workout fun.

7. Be Consistent with your Workout Routine: Do squeeze in at least 40 minutes to 1 hour in a day for workout or exercise. Plan your day in such a way that you get enough time to sweat it out, not necessarily in the gym. Go for a walk or jog, do home workout routines from the Rati Beauty app. Also, HIIT (high intensity interval training) helps to burn more fat within a short span of time. Here’s a “7 Minute Fat Burning HIIT Exercises That you can Do at Home.”

8. Keep Alcohol Consumption in Control: We all have heard of “beer belly,” right?! and it does exist. If you drink a lot or like having beer often, you need to cut your portion. Once in a while, you can enjoy a cheat day but make sure you are keeping alcohol at bay. Beer belly does not go easily and it is quite difficult to get in shape if you continue to consume alcohol regularly. Once you stop drinking, the add-along snacks and aerated drinks (with their high calorie content) will be out of your system too.

9. Get Plenty of Sleep: There’s a reason fitness and health experts recommend sleeping for 7 to 8 hours every single night. If you are resting well and sleeping for 8 hours through the night, your body will recover properly and burn fat effectively. When you switch to a new diet, exercise regime and do a lot of activity, your body needs about 8 hours of proper rest to regain energy for the next day. Along with a good sleep cycle, make sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water.

10. Eat an Early Dinner: If you are in bed by 10:30 pm, you need to have your dinner by at least 7:30 PM. Keeping a 2 to 3-hour gap between dinner and bedtime would give the body enough time to digest the food properly and also the body can use body fat for energy as you sleep with the bigger time gap. When you get into this routine, you will notice a drastic change and quicker results too. Give it a try!

11. Find Ways to De-Stress: Just like sleep deprivation, chronic stress can be the main reason behind that overhanging belly! Cortisol, which is the stress hormone, encourages fat storage, and most of it around the waist. It’s important to find ways to de-stress, not only for mental health, but also to lose weight. Watch something funny, paint, cook, dance or pursue a hobby that takes off the stress from your mind. A healthy mind will result in a fantastic body. When you get excessively stress, you sleep less, and cortisol levels increase in your body which leads to slow metabolism. Stress can also lead to emotional eating and binge eating, all of which trigger weight gain, so that’s why it’s important to de-stress.

12. Give up Transfat and Processed Food: Too much transfat and dependency on processed food can be a few major reasons why that overhanging belly is still there! When buying packaged and processed foods, read the ingredients list to eliminate “transfat.” Transfat is a complete no-no for people who want to lose weight, particularly belly fat because studies have revealed that transfat can actually mobilize fat from other areas of the body to the belly area! Transfat is artificially made from vegetable oils by a process called hydrogenation where hydrogen molecules are added to the oil. This is done to increase the shelf life of the oil, to solidy the oil, and make it more appetizing and suitable for frying. Margarine, frozen pizza, cakes, non-dairy creamer, etc. have transfat in them, so avoid them totally.

Implement these tips and say bye to overhanging belly forever.

14 Reasons you are Not Losing Tummy Fat
16 Extremely Delicious Food That Cause Belly Fat

If you want to know how to get rid of stomach overhang without surgery, this article will show you the fastest way to get a flat belly.

Nobody wants to look into the mirror and see a stomach overhang or a mother’s apron, as some people call it.

A hanging belly is common among women, especially after childbirth. However, men can have it too, especially heavy alcohol drinkers.

Surgery may be the quickest way to get rid of stomach overhang, but it’s very risky and costly. Luckily, it’s not the only option, you can get rid of belly overhang naturally.

Hey, before you continue reading, check this out: A new proven way to lose up to 22 pounds (10kgs) in just 6 weeks without starvation or exercising for hours – click here to see it

Stomach overhang is a combination of visceral and subcutaneous fat. Visceral fat surrounds the intensities and other internal organs. This type of fat has been linked to heart disease, some types of cancer and type 2 diabetes.

Subcutaneous fat lies right under the skin – it’s the fat you feel when you grab your belly.

Stomach overhang is usually caused by excess visceral fat. The good news is visceral fat is easier to lose compared to subcutaneous fat since it’s metabolically active.

Even though it’s not possible to specifically target your belly for fat loss, using the tips below will lower your body fat percentage and consequently get rid of your stomach overhang.

How to get rid of stomach overhang without surgery

1. Increase physical activity

I’m not talking about exercising at the gym or doing short home workouts. I’m asking you to be more physically active throughout the day. Research shows that increasing activity can reduce belly fat and improve overall health.

This means sitting less and standing up more. Some of the things you can do to increase physical activity include:

  • Walk more: Walk to the grocery store, walk your dog, or walk up to a co-worker instead of calling.
  • Take the stairs: Avoiding elevators and escalators can help you burn many calories by the end of the day.
  • Do more chores: Doing some of your partner’s chores is an easy way to become more active.
  • Gardening: Doing yard work will get you moving and probably tone your muscles.
  • Use a pedometer: A pedometer will make it easier to track steps and encourage you to walk more every day.

Here is the pedometer I recommend.

2. Do full-body exercises

Doing crunches and planks won’t get rid of stomach overhang. It’ll only tone your abdominal muscles, which are covered by subcutaneous fat.

Full-body exercises reduce belly overhang faster than ab exercises. Exercises like squats burn lots of calories since they activate many muscle groups at once.

Focus on exercises that target the biggest muscle groups – legs, glutes, back, arm, and shoulders. Training these muscles increases muscle mass and metabolism fast.

In fact, you don’t even have to exercise for hours, these 28 stunningly simple workouts will flatten your belly in just 15 minutes a day.

3. Add essential fatty acids to your diet

Essential fatty acids will help balance your hormones and improve overall health. Additionally, essential fats help the body absorb more nutrients.

When we don’t eat enough fats the cells don’t function properly, and as a result, it becomes harder to lose belly fat.

Wild-caught fish like salmon, mackerel, and herring are good sources of omega 3s. If you’re vegetarian, get fatty acids from flaxseeds, walnuts, almonds, dark green leafy veggies, and olive oil. Alternatively, you can take fish oil supplements.

4. Try compression

Abdominal compression garments can be particularly helpful after childbirth. They won’t get rid of the stomach overhang completely but they’ll help flatten the belly and restore your scar (after C-section).

Even though there aren’t studies to back this method, many people swear that it works. Jessica Alba (the actress) revealed that wearing a double corset day and night for 3 months helped her shrink her postpartum belly and waist.

5. Drink plenty of water

Drinking enough water doesn’t just help get rid of stomach overhang, it improves skin elasticity and prevents loose skin after weight loss.

Drink at least 2 liters of water a day. However, you may need to drink 3 liters if you’re physically active and exercise regularly.

Carrying a water bottle with you everywhere you go will enable you to drink more water. Get this BPA-free water bottle if you don’t already have one.

Drinking a glass of water 15 minutes before every meal will help you curb hunger and prevent overeating.

6. Cut down on alcohol and sugar

Excess calories from sugar and alcohol make the belly bigger. And the worst thing about sugary foods is they increase cravings for junk food.

Avoid alcohol and sugary foods completely or eat them in moderation. Note that 85 percent of processed foods contain sugar. So eat natural foods most of the time.

7. Lower your calorie intake

You can’t lose belly overhang unless you maintain a calorie deficit. If you don’t know the number of calories you consume in a day, start tracking your calories.

Download calorie-tracking apps like MyfitnessPal or Lose it! These apps will help you know for sure if you’re on a calorie deficit or not.

Now, don’t be discouraged if you think tracking calories is too hectic. You only need to do it for a few weeks until you learn to estimate calories. Once you know the calorie content of the foods you eat regularly, you’ll be able to track your total daily intake with ease.

Start with a deficit of 500 calories. If you’re not losing, increase your deficit by 100-200 calories after every 7 days, until you start losing weight.

8. Balance your hormones

Did you know that hormonal imbalance can increase belly fat? Research shows that high cortisol levels cause accumulation of fat around the abdominal area.

High insulin levels have also been shown to promote fat accumulation and prevent fat loss.

Here are a few things you can do to balance your hormones:

  • Limit caffeine intake
  • Get enough sleep
  • Eat nutrient-dense foods
  • Eat enough healthy fats

9. Work on your posture

Poor posture can make your hanging belly appear bigger. So work on maintaining an upright posture.

Strengthening your core will keep your upper body upright, which in return will make your belly look smaller.

Here are home exercises to help correct bad posture. Yoga also helps improve posture.

10. Do cardio

Combining cardio with full-body exercises will help get rid of belly overhang fast. Cardio helps burn belly fat and improves heart health.

Research shows that both high intensity and low-intensity cardio is effective for reducing belly fat. Do simple exercises like running, treadmill walking, jogging, and swimming.

The Bottom Line

It’s possible to get rid of stomach overhang without surgery. Just make sure you follow the above strategies diligently and be consistent.

Your diet will have a huge impact on how fast you lose your overhang belly. Therefore, maintain a calorie deficit and replace processed foods with plant-based foods.

You must also avoid the common mistake of relying on diet alone. Research shows that people who combine a healthy diet with exercise lose weight and keep it off longer compared to those who rely on diet or exercise alone.

If you’re too busy to exercise for an hour in the gym every day, use these 15-minute home workouts to burn fat while toning your muscles.

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