How to convert decimal into fraction

In converting decimals to fractions, we know that a decimal can always be converted into a fraction by using the following steps:

Step I: Obtain the decimal.

Step II: Remove the decimal points from the given decimal and take as numerator.

Step III: At the same time write in the denominator, as many zero or zeros to the right of 1(one) (For example 10, 100 or 1000 etc.) as there are number of digit or digits in the decimal part. And then simplify it.

We can express a decimal number as a fraction by keeping the given number as the numerator without a decimal point and writing 1 in the denominator followed by as many zeroes on the right as the number of decimal places in the given decimal number has.

For example:                                                                           

(i) 124.6 = \(\frac{1246}{10}\)

(ii) 12.46 = \(\frac{1246}{100}\)

(iii) 1.246 = \(\frac{1246}{1000}\)

The problem will help us to understand how to convert decimal into fraction.

In 0.7 we will change the decimal to fraction.

First we will write the decimal without the decimal point as the numerator.

Now in the denominator, write 1 followed by one zeros as there are 1 digit in the decimal part of the decimal number.

= 7/10

Therefore, we observe that 0.7 (decimal) is converted to 7/10 (fraction).

Worked-out examples on converting decimals to fractions:

1. Convert each of the following into fractions.

(i) 3.91



Write the given decimal number without the decimal point as numerator.

In the denominator, write 1 followed by two zeros as there are 2 digits in the decimal part of the decimal number.

= 391/100

(ii) 2.017



= 2.017/1

= 2.017 × 1000/1 × 1000 In the denominator, write 1 followed by three zeros as there are 3 digits in the decimal part of the decimal number.

= 2017/1000

2. Convert 0.0035 into fraction in the simplest form.



Write the given decimal number without the decimal point as numerator.

In the denominator, write 1 followed by four zeros to the right of 1 (one) as there are 4 decimal places in the given decimal number.

Now we will reduce the fraction 35/10000 and obtained to its lowest term or the simplest form.

= 7/2000

3. Express the following decimals as fractions in lowest form:

(i) 0.05



= 5/100 Write the given decimal number without the decimal point as numerator.

In the denominator, write 1 followed by two zeros to the right of 1 (one) as there are 2 decimal places in the given decimal number.

= 5/100 ÷ 5/5 Reduce the fraction obtained to its lowest term.

= 1/20

(ii) 3.75



= 375/100 Write the given decimal number without the decimal point as numerator.

In the denominator, write 1 followed by two zeros to the right of 1 (one) as there are 2 decimal places in the given decimal number.

= 375/100 ÷ 25/25 Reduce the fraction obtained to its simplest form.

= 15/4

(iii) 0.004



= 4/1000 Write the given decimal number without the decimal point as numerator.

In the denominator, write 1 followed by three zeros to the right of 1 (one) as there are 3 decimal places in the given decimal number.

= 4/1000 ÷ 4/4 Reduce the fraction obtained to its lowest term.

= 1/250

(iv) 5.066



= 5066/1000  Write the given decimal number without the decimal point as numerator.

In the denominator, write 1 followed by three zeros to the right of 1 (one) as there are 3 decimal places in the given decimal number.

= 5066/1000 ÷ 2/2  Reduce the fraction obtained to its simplest form.

= 2533/500

Practice Problems on Converting Decimals to Fractions:

1. Convert the given decimal numbers to fractions in the lowest term:

(i) 1.3

(ii) 0.004

(iii) 4.005

(iv) 7.289

(v) 0.56

(vi) 21.08

(vii) 0.067

(viii) 6.66


(i) \(\frac{13}{10}\)

(ii) \(\frac{1}{250}\)

(iii) \(\frac{801}{200}\)

(iv) \(\frac{7289}{1000}\)

(v) \(\frac{14}{25}\)

(vi) \(\frac{527}{25}\)

(vii) \(\frac{67}{1000}\)

(viii) \(\frac{333}{50}\)

  • We will discuss how to express fraction as decimal. Let us consider some of the following examples on expressing a fraction as a decimal. 1. Convert \(\frac{4}{5}\) into a decimal.

  • We have already studied about fractions and now we will discuss here about the concept of decimal. Fractions can also be expressed as decimal Fractions.

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  • We will discuss here about the subtraction of decimals. Decimals are subtracted in the same way as we subtract ordinary numbers. We arrange the digits in columns

  • Equivalent decimal fractions are unlike fractions which are equal in value. Numbers obtained by inserting zeros after the extreme right digit in the decimal part of a decimal number are known as equivalent decimals.

  • We will discuss how to express decimal as fraction. Let us consider some of the following examples on expressing a decimal as a fraction. 1. Convert 2.12 into a fraction. Solution: 2.12

  • In 5th Grade Decimals Worksheet contains various types of questions on operations on decimal numbers. The questions are based on formation of decimals, comparing decimals, Converting Fractions to Decimals, Addition of decimals, subtraction of decimals, multiplication of

  • While comparing natural numbers we first compare total number of digits in both the numbers and if they are equal then we compare the digit at the extreme left. If they also equal then we compare the next digit and so on. We follow the same pattern while comparing the

  • Decimal numbers can be expressed in expanded form using the place-value chart. In expanded form of decimal fractions we will learn how to read and write the decimal numbers. Note: When a decimal is missing either in the integral part or decimal part, substitute with 0.

  • Division of a decimal number by 10, 100 or 1000 can be performed by moving the decimal point to the left by as many places as the number of zeroes in the divisor. The rules of division of decimal fractions by 10, 100, 1000 etc. are discussed here.

  • Addition of decimal numbers are similar to addition of whole numbers. We convert them to like decimals and place the numbers vertically one below the other in such a way that the decimal point lies exactly on the vertical line. Add as usual as we learnt in the case of whole

  • Simplification in decimals can be done with the help of PEMDAS Rule. From the above chart we can observe that first we have to work on "P or Parentheses" and then on "E or Exponents", then from

  • Solve the questions given in the worksheet on decimal word problems at your own space. This worksheet provides a mixture of questions on decimals involving order of operations

  • Practice the math questions given in the worksheet on dividing decimals. Divide the decimals to find the quotient, same like dividing whole numbers. This worksheet would be really good for the students to practice huge number of decimal division problems.

  • To divide a decimal number by a whole number the division is performed in the same way as in the whole numbers. We first divide the two numbers ignoring the decimal point and then place the decimal point in the quotient in the same position as in the dividend.

  • We will practice the questions given in the worksheet on multiplication of decimal fractions. While multiplying the decimal numbers ignore the decimal point and perform the multiplication as usual and then put the decimal point in the product to get as many decimal places in

  • To multiply a decimal number by a decimal number, we first multiply the two numbers ignoring the decimal points and then place the decimal point in the product in such a way that decimal places in the product is equal to the sum of the decimal places in the given numbers.

  • The rules of multiplying decimals are: (i) Take the two numbers as whole numbers (remove the decimal) and multiply. (ii) In the product, place the decimal point after leaving digits equal to the total number of decimal places in both numbers.

  • The working rule of multiplication of a decimal by 10, 100, 1000, etc... are: When the multiplier is 10, 100 or 1000, we move the decimal point to the right by as many places as number of zeroes after 1 in the multiplier.

Related Concept


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BODMAS/PEMDAS Rules - Involving Decimals

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