How do you stop hair from growing on your chin

Hirsutism is linked to hormones called androgens. It can happen if the level of these hormones increases or if your body becomes more sensitive to them.

The most common cause is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). This is a condition affecting the ovaries that can also cause symptoms such as acne and irregular periods.

Sometimes there's no obvious cause.

Rarely, hirsutism can be caused by:

If you have lighter, finer hair on your face or body, it's probably not hirsutism. Most women get more of this type of hair as they get older, particularly after the menopause.

I remember when I first noticed it. I was going through my skin-care routine, when one stray (but surprisingly long) chin hair caught my attention. That's new, I thought to myself. I plucked it and have continued to do so since, but over the years, I've realized that I'm not the only one with a rogue, unwanted chin hair that appears from time to time (and by that I mean every two weeks on the dot).

It's come up in conversation at the Well+Good office, and amongst my friends, and while we vary in the number of hairs that appear and how often they come, we all have them. After doing some digging, I learned what the elusive culprit typically is: always mysterious hormones (surprise!). Since this kind of hair is extremely complex and differs for everyone, not everyone will have the same chin hair woes. So, to find out about all of these variables, I sought out the expert advice of a dermatologist and a hormone expert. Keep scrolling for their insight.

First of all, know this—so many people experience the hairy issue. "Having stray facial hairs is very common for women," says Arash Akhavan, MD, a New York City dermatologist with the Dermatology and Laser Group. "It's not uncommon for women in their mid to upper 20s to begin noticing stray hairs on their face." And usually, the number of hairs one finds tends to increase with age. "Due to hormonal changes, hair does increase with age," says Dr. Akhavan. "Even after undergoing permanent hair removal procedures such as laser hair removal and electrolysis, one must remember that periodic touch-up sessions will be needed since new hairs are always popping out."

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That's because facial hair in women is frequently hormonally driven—which can stem from a number of conditions. "The top hormone for hair growth is testosterone," says Suzie Welsh, hormone expert, CEO, and founder of Binto, a personalized supplement brand. "This is a sex hormone that's naturally more predominant in men than women. When women have hormonal fluctuations, and more specifically, higher circulating testosterone levels, one of the side effects is unwanted hair growth—which is called hirsutism in the medical world."

"Having stray facial hairs is very common for women." —Arash Akhavan, MD

You could experience such fluctuations if you deal withpolycystic ovarian syndrom or PCOS, she explains. "This is one of the top reasons women have hormonal fluctuations and higher testosterone—women with PCOS have more [testosterone], which results in facial hair growth," says Welsh. Chin hair on women can also stem from hormonal imbalances. "These sorts of imbalance issues are often caused by some other adrenal disorder, which would be a complication or miscommunication of the glands that control your sex hormone feedback loop," says Welsh. And lastly, it can happen, and often does, when women enter menopause.

As for why some women get one or two strands while others get more populated facial hair, it's all about certain specificities: "The pattern depends on the hormonal fluctuation and the number of hair follicles you may have," she explains. "If you have a greater hormonal balance, your unwanted hair pattern will be more severe." Note that women experience serious hormonal changes (which can throw off your hormonal feedback loop) during adolescence and into adulthood, and then during menopause, adds Dr. Welsh.

Aside from hormones, another factor is genetics. "Genetics play a huge role, as does ethnicity," says Dr. Akhavan. "Sometimes facial hair in women can also be a sign of hormonal abnormalities, and I recommend to all my patients with facial hair to have a laboratory evaluation to assess for this possibility."

How to get rid of unwanted facial hairs

Once you get the all-clear from a doc to determine nothing more serious is at play, you might want to think about how to get chin hair off for good. Dr. Akhavan says that the best method is laser hair removal. "We now recommend the new Motus AX laser, a highly effective laser appropriate for all skin tones that has zero pain associated with it," he says.  If you're going the more DIY route, however, he notes that you can wax, thread, pluck, or shave the area, but as a reminder, hormonal hair often comes back quicker than that on the rest of the body.

If you have the fear that removing those hairs will result in even more springing up in their place, fear not: That's a giant lie. "There's no truth to the myth that you can grow extra hair by removing the hair that you have," says Dr. Akhavan. I can attest to this. As a bona fide plucker, I still only have one grow back in place of the one I always take out (bless).

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Originally posted November 1, 2019, updated March 5, 2021

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Ah, chin hair. If you’ve spotted (and swiftly plucked) the odd hair sprouting from your neck or chin area, you probably haven’t thought much of it. Most people will grow the occasional unexpected strand in all kinds of areas on their body without it becoming a cause for concern. It’s totally normal.

However, if you’ve noticed excessive or repeated growth of facial hair, or are wondering what on earth is going on with that one stubborn thread that can’t be beaten by your tweezers, there are a number of possibilities to consider.

“Excessive dark, thick, coarse, hair growth in females, which appears in a male pattern, is referred to as hirsutism. This can involve a single or multiple areas, such as moustache and chin area, chest, lower abdomen, back and inner thighs,” explains Elizabeth May, an expert from the Private Skin Laser Clinic in Hampstead.

So why exactly does excessive hair growth happen? “Hirsutism is is generally caused by a hormone imbalance, that is, an increase production in the male hormones called androgens, or an increase in skin sensitivity to androgen,” she adds.

Sound familiar? If you’re worried about your chin hair, or just want to know what’s causing yours, here’s what could be going on behind the scenes…

You have PCOS

PCOS, or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, is a condition that affects how your ovaries work, explains Elizabeth. Symptoms include irregular periods, weight gain, adult acne, and fertility problems, alongside excessive hair growth, including chin hair.

If you’re suffering from one or more of these signs and you’re concerned, she encourages you to speak to your doctor about your options. There’s no ‘cure’ for PCOS, as such, but there are treatments that can help to manage the condition, ranging from lifestyle changes all the way through to surgery.

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Elizabeth also notes the possibility of Cushing’s syndrome. It’s far less common than PCOS, affecting an estimated 1 in every 50,000 people, but women are three times more likely to develop it.

What is Cushing’s syndrome, we hear you ask? Well, a syndrome caused by high levels of a hormone called cortisol. In addition to facial hair, it can cause weight gain, stretch marks, skin that bruises easily, and muscle or bone weakness, as well as – you’ve guessed it – chin hair. It can occur as a side effect of taking certain medications, or more rarely, because of a tumour developing inside a gland, so it needs managing with appropriate advice from a medical professional.

You’re getting older

While hormone imbalances and syndromes can be responsible for hair growth in some women, for others, it’s simply a sign of a few more birthdays going by. “There is a natural tendency to get hairier with age, especially post-menopausal,” confirms Elizabeth.

In this instance, your chin hair could just be a fact of life, but it can be worth consulting with your GP to make sure that there’s nothing more serious going on without you realising.


Your weight needs addressing

If your increase in chin hair production has coincided with a noticeable weight gain or weight loss, the two could be related. “Obesity upsets the balance of male and female hormones,” details Elizabeth. As we’ve already learned, your hormones can have a major impact on hair growth.

At the opposite end of the spectrum, she adds, extreme weight loss can cause an increase in fine hairs, like those usually seen in children. This is known as lanugo, and can be an indicator of anorexia, a disorder for which you should always seek the support of an expert.

Your medication is affecting you

It’s rare, says Elizabeth, but certain medications can cause an increase in chin hair growth. Like? “Some chemotherapy drugs for cancer, and some medicines for epilepsy”, she explains.

“Plus, anabolic steroids used illegally in sport and sold in some gyms may increase facial hair if used by women,” she continues. These are class C drugs, and should only be sold by pharmacists with a prescription; if you’re using them without guidance, facial hair may be just one of a range of very serious side effects, from aggressive behaviour and mood swings to blood clots and increased risk of heart attack or stroke.

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You’re predisposed to hair growth

“Hirsutism is not hereditary but can be more common in some ethnic groups,” explains Elizabeth. “So if your female relatives have facial hair you are no more likely to be hairy than other women in your ethnic group,” she explains.

Specifically, “it occurs more commonly in women of mediterranean or Middle-Eastern origin. However, in the general population, 10% of caucasian women will experience it too,” she continues.

How do I get rid of chin hair?

Wondering how to remove chin hair once and for all? “Treatments available for removal of facial hair are varied with markedly different results,” Elizabeth admits. “Physical removal, such as shaving, plucking, waxing, bleaching and hair removal creams, is common and inexpensive but can sometimes irritate the skin.”

Similar (but not the same as) upper lip hair removal options, you have to be more careful with treating your face hair as your skin is more sensitive.

“Medications that have an anti-androgenic action can be used if a hormonal cause is diagnosed,” explains Elizabeth. But, do note here: these are only available on prescription, and range from oral contraceptives to spironolactone.

“Electrolysis is often suggested if the hair is grey, blond, or ginger in colour,” she continues. But, again, there are side effects, and it can sometimes cause inflammation and scarring.

The most effective treatment? “If the hair is coarse and dark, laser is the most effective treatment, inducing a gradual decrease in hair growth, resulting in finer, lighter hair on the face,” Elizabeth concludes.

So there you have it—your complete guide to the causes of chin hair, plus your guide to the best removal methods. Remember, female chin hair is fairly normal, but if it is bothering you, booking an appointment to see a specialist can't do any harm.

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