Erpressung - Wie viel ist deine Familie wert Netflix

This is a good film. The guy is a Heart specialist not a boat mechanic yet everyone complains about his inability to fix a boat engine or lawn mower. How are the two related. I can fix an engine so should I be able to mend a human heart 🤣.Priceless medical hands rarely risk injury. Everyone has opinions and think that they know best and that is the norm. Detectives assuming that he killed his family for the insurance etc etc. In real life there are people just that stupid. So it really is not far fetched at all. Watch it and make your own mind up.

I have changed my opinion as I have recently watched quite a few 2 star films that have been edge-of-your seat stuff and some deadly boring 5 star movies. I no longer give star ratings any credit. Especially as people are now "credited" for highly rating certain movies/games/albums etc.

Die Freude über die Karibikferien währt für Kevin Riley (Eion Bailey), seine Frau und Sohn Andy nur kurz: Nach einem Bootsausflug stranden sie auf einer unbewohnten Insel. Als nach Tagen ein Boot anlegt, entpuppt sich der vermeintliche Retter als Erpresser: Er fordert von Riley zwei Mio US-Dollar! Solider Reißer, der aber insgesamt nicht über TV-Film-Niveau hinauskommt.

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