An unexpected error occurred there was a problem downloading the requested file try again later

I had the same problem - It was solved by running MATLAB as administrator before trying to install the package. Hope this helps someone else!

In first attempt id didn't install the support package. But, in second attempt, it did. It seems that sometimes there is error in the host server.

For me has the same problem, I have to fix this error as soon as possible, If anybody know the way please let us know. Download Error

There was a problem downloading the support package. To resolve this issue, see this MATLAB Answer

I want to get the installation file for MATLAB Support Package for USB Webcams.

Please send me the package file.

Thank you.

Dear Sir/Madam,

The problem still remains and I want this product urgently. Could you please help me how I can get it by a different way? My contact email is

Thanks in advance, Ghasem Abdi

I want to get the installation file for Simulink Support Package for Arduino Hardware.

Please send me the package file.

I have tried download the file for many times, but failed.

Thank you.

I want to download the Communications System Toolbox Support Package for RTL-SDR Radio。but always failed.It`s show "Problems arise when downloading support packages"

Hi dear friends, I faced same problem but I've solved it. I use Chrome as my default browser. I added many extensions like add blocker any many other blocking extension which was the reason to show the error. Therefore, You just Disable the Extensions and try it again. Hope it will work......

The solution for the problem.

I faced the same problem while installing several support packages such as Matlab and simulink for Arduino. I strongly suggest you use an internet connection that is very fast (I recommend you use Ethernet/cable instead of wi-fi). This is what I did and the entire process was a success. Please let your fist priority be a super fast internet connection before seeking out for advanced solutions such as proxy/firewall settings. Am very optimistic this will help since it helped me too. Wish you all the best.

i was facing the same problem, it was resolved by chnging the proxy settings. Matlab addons doesnt work on proxy servers

please help on this error

i am having this same error with 2017a installing xilinxzynq7000.mlpkginstall

Got the same error and tried several things... System: Ubuntu 14.03, MatlabR2017b


  • 2 different internet connections (both Wlan and cable)
  • different browser (firefox and chrome) without addons
  • proxy on/off
  • firewall (ufw) on/off

I can install Matlab addons and functions but all features seem not to work... Anything else I can try?

Hi I'm trying for days to install MATLAB support package for raspberry pi and i can't do it . I would love you to send me the package . thanks

Same error for HDL Coder Support Package for Xilinx Zynq Platform on 2018b.

our Case Number is 03344100.

If you have a new technical support question, please submit a new request here : //

hi I need a MATLAB Support Package for IP Cameras. but I can not install it if anyone can send me

Why do i recieve, this error when downloading matlab support package for Arduino hardware? There was a problem downloading the support package

There is not the support package in my computer.

我通过关闭防火墙和所有与防火墙具有相似功能的软件解决了这个问题。I solved this problem by shutting down the firewall and all software with similar functions.

I face the same question as you did.

If you set the Chrome as you default Internet browser, shut down all the extensions and try again.

It seems that somehow the chrome extensions act to prevent the programme from downloading the MATLAB extensions.

Try using a VPN or a proxy. The problem might be your internet provider in your country

Hello guys,

I want to get the installation file for Simulink Support Package for Parrot Minidrones

Please send me the package file.

I have tried download the file for many times, but failed.

Thank you.

There was a problem downloading the support package. To resolve this issue, see this MATLAB Answer?

Edited: Brady P on 13 Apr 2021

Sign out and sign in agian with your mathwork account in matlab. works for me

It seems that my Mac can connect to anything on the internet except the matlab download servers. Strange and frustrating.

[MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2019) Big Sur, version 11.3 (20E232)]

I want to get the installation file UAV Toolbox Support Package for PX4 Autopilots Hardware.

Please send me the package file.

I have tried download the file for many times, but failed.

Thank you.

There is a problem downloading the support package in my can solve the problem

There is a problem downloading the support package in my can solve the problem

I want to get the installation file for MATLAB Support Package for USB Webcams. Please send me the package file.

I really want some Support packages like"googlenet","alexnet","resnet","usbwebcams" and other cnn network, but I can't download. Could anybody send me some above Support packages? please!!

i want add ons the arduino matlab package

I want some packages like"googlenet","Squeezenet","resnet" and other cnn network, but I can't download these.please send me some above Support packages.

使用管理员运行 MATLAB 重新下载c2000安装包 我就是这样解决的 仅供参考

It's the problem of speed of the Ethernet. I solved the problem by using Ethernet/cable instead of wifi!

I had the same error and it prompts to come here with no resolution @MathWorks Support Team can you help with this? There's a lot of people having the same error

i want add ons the arduino matlab package

Why do I receive the error "There was a problem downloading the Support Package"?

Hei bros, DO NOT Use the campus network to download, switch traffic or hotspots.

i used the school wifi my bad

ther is a problem in installing Deep Learning Toolbox Model for GoogLeNet Network toolbox

yes, I received the error message

Why do I receive the error "There was a problem downloading the Support Package"?

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