After a disastrous blizzard, there was a significant increase in the allele frequency of blue

After a disastrous blizzard, there was a significant increase in the allele frequency of blue eye color in Husky dogs. The frequency of alleles for…

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After a disastrous blizzard, there was a significant increase in...

After a disastrous blizzard, there was a significant increase in the allele frequency of blue eye color in Husky dogs.  The frequency of alleles for brown-eyed dogs was 7.5% and the allele frequency for hazel-eyed dogs was 22.5% of all alleles for the population.  What is the allele frequency percentage for the blue-eyed Husky dogs in this population?

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Answer & Explanation

After a disastrous blizzard, there was a significant increase in the allele frequency of blue
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    After a disastrous blizzard, there was a significant increase in the allele frequency of blue

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    After a disastrous blizzard, there was a significant increase in the allele frequency of blue

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    After a disastrous blizzard, there was a significant increase in the allele frequency of blue

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    After a disastrous blizzard, there was a significant increase in the allele frequency of blue

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    After a disastrous blizzard, there was a significant increase in the allele frequency of blue

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    After a disastrous blizzard, there was a significant increase in the allele frequency of blue


    University of Maryland, University College


    After a disastrous blizzard, there was a significant increase in the allele frequency of blue

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