A person in a car suddenly fall forward when brakes are applied to the car this is due to

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A person in a car suddenly fall forward when brakes are applied to the car, this is due to:

Find an answer to your question A person in a car suddenly fall forward when brakes are applied to the car, this is due to:- ਇੱਕ ਆਦਮੀ ਕਾਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਅਚਾਨਕ ਅੱਗੇ ਵੱਲ ਨੂ…

A person in a car suddenly fall forward when brakes are applied to the car this is due to



कार के अचानक रुकने पर उसका वेग शून्य हो जाता है और इसका साथ-साथ शरीर के निचले भाग का सम्पर्क कार के साथ होने से उसका वेग भी शून्य हो जाता है परंतु शरीर के ऊपर का भाग जड़त्व के कारण उसी वेग से आगे की ओर चलने का प्रयत्न करता है और आगे की ओर झुक जाता है। कार के चलने पर हमारे पैर भी कार के वेग से गतिमान हो जाते हैं परंतु ऊपरी भाग जड़त्व के कारण स्थिर रहता है जिससे हम पीछे की ओर गिर जाते हैं।

When the car suddenly stops, its velocity becomes zero and simultaneously with the contact of the lower part of the body with the car, its velocity also becomes zero, but the upper part of the body is moving forward with the same velocity due to inertia. Tries and leans forward. When the car is moving, our legs also move with the speed of the car, but the upper part remains stationary due to inertia, due to which we fall backwards.


अधिक देखने के लिए क्लिक करें

स्रोत : brainly.in

A person driving a car suddenly applies the brakes on seeing a child on the road ahead . If he is not wearing seat belt, he falls forward and hits his head against the steering weel. Why ?

When a person driving a car suddenly applies the brakes , the lower part of the body slower down with the car while upper part continues to move forward due to inertia of motion. If driver is not wearing seat belt , then he fails forward and his head hit against the steering wheel.

A person in a car suddenly fall forward when brakes are applied to the car this is due to

Home English Class 11 Physics Chapter Laws Of Motion

A person driving a car suddenl...

A person driving a car suddenly applies the brakes on seeing a child on the road ahead . If he is not wearing seat belt, he falls forward and hits his head against the steering weel. Why ?

Updated On: 17-04-2022

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A person in a car suddenly fall forward when brakes are applied to the car this is due to

Click here to get PDF DOWNLOAD for all questions and answers of this Book - NCERT EXEMPLAR ENGLISH Class 11 PHYSICS

When a person driving a car suddenly applies the brakes , the lower part of the body slower down with the car while upper part continues to move forward due to inertia of motion.

Text Solution Solution

If driver is not wearing seat belt , then he fails forward and his head hit against the steering wheel.


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hello friends welcome to this question that is a person driving a car Ok suddenly applies brakes on a child on the road ahead and his not wearing seat belt hair fast forward and its head against a starting with A and B are then asked her why you later when he applies the final result becomes zero the lower part of the driver lower part immediately comes to rest ok lower part sale aur paath immediately comes to

rest contact with the car and when god is stop the lower part immediately comes to rest ok immediately comes to rest comes to rest ok but it has no contact with the floor with due to inertia of motion of motion will be moving with velocity U not itself ok the upper part of the inertia of motion because of inertia of motion of motion remains

mobile with if you're not ok because of this because the country that the object That is part of the body is moving with speed u not ok the driver hit his head on the sole reason for getting the head on the military inertia of motion of the driver is still remain thank you

642507192 2.7 K+ 9.2 K+ 2:46

A person driving a car suddenly applies the brakes on seeing a child on the road ahead . If he is not wearing seat belt, he falls forward and hits his head against the steering weel. Why ?

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A person driving a car suddenly applies the brakes on seeing a child on the road ahead. If he is not wearing seat belt, he falls forward and hits his head against the steering wheel. Why

645797428 4.4 K+ 9.0 K+ 1:43

A person driving a car suddenlyapplies the brakes on seeing a child on the road ahead. if he is not wering seat belt, he falls forward and hits his head against the steering wheel. Why?

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कोई कार चाक सामने सड़क पर किसी बच्चे को देखकर अचानक ब्रेक लगाता है। यदि उसने सीट बेल्ट नहीं बाँधी है, तो वह आगे की ओर झटका खाता है ओर उसका सर स्टियरिंग व्हील से जा सकता है। ऐसा क्यों ?

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A person driving a car with a speed 72 km/h suddenly sees a boy crossing the road. If the distance moved by car, before the person applies brakes is 5 m, the reaction time of the person is

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FAQs on Laws Of Motion

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Inertial Frame Of Reference





Concept Of Impulse Weight Normal Force

अधिक देखने के लिए क्लिक करें

स्रोत : www.doubtnut.com

Do we fall in the forward direction when brakes are suddenly applied in a moving bus stop?

Answer (1 of 4): When in a bus, it is very easy to observe the principal of inertia, that is “an object will continue in its state of rest or constant motion unless acted upon by an external force”. If standing, when the bus accelerates, your body tries to stay at rest. Your feet, on the floor, ...

A person in a car suddenly fall forward when brakes are applied to the car this is due to

Do we fall in the forward direction when brakes are suddenly applied in a moving bus stop?

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Sort Shreyas Joshi

, Student at Aakash Institute (2018-present)

Answered 2 years ago · Author has 134 answers and 43.6K answer views

Yes this because of inertia. When the bus moves you move too as you are connected to the bus and at the start you too fell a backward push. Then when the brakes are applied yo tend to fall forward because the velocity of bus has reduced 0m/s but your body, due to its tendency to stay in state of motion/rest till external force is applied, it stays in motion and BANG!!! you fall face first forwards. Why face first is an answer for another time. : )

Hope my answer helped!

Cheers! Shreyas ; )

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Why do we move forwards when brakes are applied?

Doug Mullett

, former Retired Senior Secondary Maths and Science Teacher

Answered 2 years ago · Author has 2.7K answers and 12.1M answer views

When in a bus, it is very easy to observe the principal of inertia, that is “an object will continue in its state of rest or constant motion unless acted upon by an external force”.

If standing, when the bus accelerates, your body tries to stay at rest. Your feet, on the floor, move with the bus but your upper body does’t have to (yet). So it stays still and you seem to bend backwards. You exert a force within yourself to stay upright.

If standing, when the bus brakes, your body tries to stay at rest. Your feet, on the floor, move with the bus but your upper body does’t have to (yet). So it stay

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Pradip Chandra Bhattacharyya

, former Retired

Answered 2 years ago · Author has 1.4K answers and 227.5K answer views

If one is standing on a moving bus and suddenly the brake is applied, the bus tends to stop and one's feet being on the bus floor also stop. But the upper body is still in motion. So one tends to fall in the forward direction.

Opposite reaction takes place when the bus suddenly accelerates.

This is called inertia of motion.

Yash Tripathi , a physics student

Answered 2 years ago · Author has 103 answers and 90.6K answer views

If the bus in which you are sitting is going forward and it suddenly stops, then you fall in the forward direction because of inertia.

Inertia is the property of a body which tries to maintain its state of equilibrium.

Yash Tripathi Harsh Pant

, studied at Aryaman Vikram Birla Institute Of Learning

Answered 4 years ago


Why are passengers thrown forward in their seats when a speeding bus stops suddenly?

This is due to the presence of inertia………. When the bus moves, the passenger's body comes in the state of motion but when the bus stops the lower part of the body which is in contact with floor comes in the state of rest whereas the upper part of body still remains in the state of motion and because of this the upper part of the body falls in the forward direction.

Mike Drake

, B.S. Physics & Mathematics, Saint Joseph's University

Answered 1 year ago · Author has 142 answers and 47.5K answer views


When we are standing in a bus, and we aren’t in contact with anything (except the floor), what force causes us to also move with the bus when it moves in any direction?

Originally Answered: When we are standing in a bus, and we aren’t in contact with anything, what force causes us to also move with the bus when it moves in any direction?

If you are truly not in contact with anything, you would remain stationary as the back of the bus moves towards you and eventually strikes you. However, that is obviously not the cases since your feet are touching the floor of the bus. The friction between your feet and floor keeps you moving with the bus. Since the point of force is at your feet and not the center of mass of your body, you can feel the tendency of your body to rotate (tip over). That’s why you move and contort to counteract this effect

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Ramashish Gaurav

, MTS at Nutanix (2017-present)

Answered 8 years ago


While sitting in a moving bus, if we throw a ball upwards, why does it still come back to our hands instead of falling behind?

Let me explain this through following image.

Considering that the bus moves with a constant velocity, while sitting in a moving bus, its natural that you have the same velocity as the bus has. Let that velocity be Vx as shown below in image. This Vx is horizontal velocity --- possessed by both the bus and you.

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स्रोत : www.quora.com